Monday, February 13, 2012

Pain is all I know as I fall to the earth in sheer, indescribable pain. This small man who I approached in such peace and happiness has, without reason, begun beating me senseless with his staff. I know not why, partially due to my inability to think with a walking stick halfway into my skull, yet I feel as though I know this man. His pure uncurbed bloodlust and rage are almost familiar to me as I lay here being sped to my death. I am quite sure I have seen this exact same emotion in a far nobler specimen of our race. Comprehension has come to me in an instant, and I realize that this is the released soul of all things evil within a good friend of mine, Dr. Jekyll. And in this instant, I have a quite unfortunately late and unshareable lesson literally pounded into my skull. This evil side of us cannot be freed, because when let loose it will be sure to manifest its malicious will at every opportunity. When we bottle it up inside, it may begin a long and painful corruption of our soul, but this is doubtlessly better than the slow painful deaths we would all experience if evil were released in all of us. Whether this end would be the same as my own agonizingly slow one, I leave to find out the poor man who next attempts to seize the achievement of perfection.

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